Whenever I watch the show FreeStyle, I often wonder if Aaron Foster films it the day after some serious pot-smoking sessions, or if he takes a toke before the filming begins. He looks as if he likes to "wake and bake." He *is* from northern California, after all. ;)
Usually when you see people on TV or elsewhere, their eyes are focused in some way, even if they're not that intelligent. But his eyes disappear into a haze, and staring into them too long makes me feel lost.
I'm sure someone out there knows if he's partaken in such activities, or if he just has the appearance of a Californian representative of the flakey variety.
Maybe I'm high. When the picture first loaded, I thought he was wearingflowers in his hair.
Wasn't there a hippy choral song about people going to San Francisco for that?
Yeah, the song is, "Are you going to San Francisco? Will you wear flowers in your hair?" (or something like that)
It's not just his eyes but his demeanor that gives him that high look. He's got that perma-grin and doesn't seem to care about acting sharp. I can't imagine him as a professional actor (which he wants to be), unless he snaps out of the haze.
Noting from your bio your interest in Rush, maybe this guy is doing a Canadian Tom Sawyer, eh?
01 24 06
Hey there, do I sense so Cali hatin' going on here? ha ha h aha ha. To be sure, most Northern Californians are proud potheads!
Anon (Comrade_T?): I don't get the reference. Maybe I'm too wiped out to think about it too deeply.
Mahndisa: I might be going out there in March, so I can maybe do some field work to verify your claim. ;)
Kids... I don't know what your issues with Aaron are but obviously you're too wound up to understand his easy going demeanor.
He's a pleasure to watch and his smile is absolutely charming...
He strikes me as the sort of person who treats everyone with dignity and respect and among his friends and family, I bet he's the one everybody loves to see coming!
In any event his quiet manner has got me hooked as a fan of his design show... maybe you should give him another look...
He seems cool and I agree that he's a good host. I watch that show often--he's talented. It's just a humorous post, nothing to take seriously--just having fun with how he looks, especially his eyes :)
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