When I was traveling around Asia, I often ate Mixed Congee, though I never ate it in Japan (it may not even exist there).
The Mixed Congee I just ate (created in Taiwan by Taisun) is made of water, glutinous rice, oats, green lentils, peas, peanuts, cereals (whatever that means), red beans, longans (don't know what those are), and sugar. It's hardly sweet, but it's sweet enough to make you feel like you're not eating anything too boringly nutritious. But it's healthy enough to turn a lot of Americans off.
In fact, I was the only non-Chinese person at the Chinese store in Chinatown, so a lot of people either looked at me or moved away. I've gone to other Asian stores--Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese--and even though I was the only non-Asian in those places, they didn't look at me amazed, like "Is she in the right place? Oh my gosh--maybe she's not! Should we tell her? No, let's just look at her."
So now when I tell non-Asians my favorite snack is Mixed Congee, I can offer them a can for them to try. If they dare.
10 12 05
Hello MJ:
You know, as much as I have seen this concoction I can not consume it. The texture looks off to me. Every day at work, I go to this Vietnamese store to get my spring rolls and coffee. But that congee stuff well turns my stomach. But just because I am curious, I might not be able to hold off much longer LOL:)
You should try it. It only costs like 80 cents, so if you don't like it, that's all you'll lose. Unfortunately, I ate it for a few days, and I'm sort of sick of it, so I'm gonna lay off it for a while. But it's really delicious and nutritious.
Hello MJ:
My name is Jenny, I'm a Taiwanese whose country made and sold Taisun mixed congee! I like to eat mixed congee and I'm so glad that you like it as well. This stuff is really sweet, and I also feel a little sick when the whole can of mixed congee is finished.By the way, Longan is a kind of tropical fruit that produce in abundance during June and July in Asia. It tastes sweet too!
Thanks--until now, I had no idea what a longan was :D
Hi, well...i came upon the stuff through my boss. I didn't have money for lunch that day so she gave me a can. To admit at first sight it kinda looks like dog food, but dang namit i'm addicted to the stuff. Now i just have to find a place around me that sells it. But when i went looking for it in an asian store in rosemead everyone was looking at me like you said..."is she in the right place" but i had no luck, I'm ganna keep looking...maybe i'll find a place that sells them online.
Well, since you're in the LA area I'm sure you'll find it somewhere :D
I have been eating this congee for my lunch. I found it healthy and very satisfying although sometimes I feel a little sick too lol but it's better than eating greasy food. I usually add some coconut milk. Yummy!
The canned congee I usually eat doesn't seem sufficient as a meal, so I eat it as a snack. I have had periods where I od'd on the stuff. Now I'm in a congee-free mode, but maybe I'll take a trip to Chinatown and stock up again :D
Hi. I just wanted to know how you eat this stuff. Is it best eaten chilled, heated, or just like that? Thanks.
If you're talking about this canned version, it's sold on the shelf usually unrefrigerated. I prefer eating it chilled, so after I buy it, I put it in the refrigerator. There were times when I didn't have access to a refrigerator, so I just ate it at room temperature. I'd suggest eating it chilled, but you can eat it the other way if you don't like it cold. Don't heat it.
I hate it when ppl tells me this stuff looks disgusting... have they ever looked at what oatmeal looks like?!?!?!? I offered this can to EVERYBODY and I'm vietnamese... my whole family, all my friends... their parents who are from third world countries... no one likes it... but one of my friends mom said it said very healthy and thats why I'm look healthy, I eat this kind of stuff, but she doesn't like it either... ugh...
It used to be taisan congee has less sugar, less fluid and more protein than the other brand, that is why I buy it. But recently they quietly change the mix. Now they are just like the other brand plus you have to watch out for the pits. From now on I would buy the other brand.
I haven't had it in a while. That's too bad that they ended up ruining it. Now I won't be buying it.
No I disagree! My dad bought me a whole box, I've eaten at least 4 cans and none of them have pits and still tastes very good! Plus I don't feel in any way sick.
I should just buy a can and find out for myself.
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