
A quiz I don't understand

People often post little quizzes at their blogs, with questions that start with "What kind of .... are you?" And Lilly posted a surprise: a quiz in Danish (which makes sense, because she's from Denmark, though she writes in English). So I can't take it, thus it gives me a good excuse to avoid those things because some of them can be annoying.

Update: Lilly said it's Norwegian, not Danish. Which proves I truly didn't understand it :D


Lilly said...

Hey M,

Haven't seen this blog entry until today (been busy moving house, as you know). The quiz I posted is actually not in Danish; it's in Norwegian! I must however say that the two languages are very similar in general. Though not at all the same (does that make sense?!). Norwegians and Danes are able to speak to one another using each their own language. Phonetically, Norwegians "sing" more when they speak. Danes just sort of mumble from the back of their troaths...

Margaret Larkin said...

See? I told you I didn't understand it :D Thanks for the clarification.

Lilly said...

Ha ha! No worries, dear. At least it was a very very good guess! You were close ;-)