Nunavuter (who reads this blog) created these lovely magazine covers. The "article" names include "10 Tips to Shut Her Up During Football" and "Finding the British War Bride for You." It is, after all, "the magazine for men who love hating women."

It's satire, in case you're wondering...
Outstanding...now if we could only develop a mag that deals with illegal border hopping ingrates, or the "Help Stamp out Liberals" movement, we'd be getting somewhere; proof positive that we're evolving...
-- some Corporate Type from a major Airline
Yeah, sure...evolving into Corporate Types like you ;)
The Females as Property Movement (tm) scoffs at anything short of a massive reconstruction of a sick society that allows females to assume their basic inherent female qualities are adequate enough to allow all females full access to adult society.
Some females do possess the "right stuff" but they are a small minority.
And, yes, there are males who are also unequipped to handle adult society but for various reasons we must accept general tendencies then make exceptions for the exceptions encountered.
Besides, the addle-minded self-centered illogical daffy dames will likely find more happiness in a society where they are not forced to act and behave in a manner nonconducive to their natural nature.
Yes, interesting...like your blog!
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