
20 years

I wish I could report something more exciting, such as winning a real award, but so far I've had a few strikes in that area, and will probably have more. But I am happy to report that I got to the top of the Duolingo mountain for the second time. 

I am definitely back to my language-studying and enjoyment roots, which is appropriate because this blog is now 20 YEARS OLD. I've obviously not posted as much as in the early years, but at least I never deleted it or moved on. 

The biggest difference between then and now is the rise of social media and proliferation of digital content. Even language study and translation is much easier. I used to have to buy large dictionaries, but now there are so many resources online that I feel even more inadequate in my language-acquisition pursuits. But it never ends, and I'm glad I'm totally back. It's definitely a big part of my life now and will be for the rest of my life. 
