
Answering peeves

LaShawn Barber today posted her blogging pet peeves, and one of them is when bloggers don't make their contact information easily accessible. Sometimes I wonder if I'm "guilty" of this, even though my email info has been available in my profile for a while.

Another pet peeve of hers is when bloggers don't share biographical information about themselves. Well, something's coming up that may offer a glimpse into my offline life: I might get an opportunity to say a word or two on Rick Kogan's radio show next week. I'm not going to be a guest on the show, just an observer of his interview with Dennis Foley, so I'll just be sitting in the studio.

In fact, I didn't even ask to sit in the studio--he invited me. Remember, Rick is the guy who I wrote about before, when I said he was cool. The invite to the studio is yet another example of why he is very cool and very generous. I don't even think he knows what kind of work I do--he doesn't judge people by their professions.

So, if you're listening and hear some chick's voice, it might just be mine. Actually, I'm not expecting to be asked anything, and I don't care if I remain silent the whole time, but you never know what will happen in this crazy world of ours.

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