
Free time

For the first time in a while, I have a lot of free time because I'm between semesters and am working only one gig during this time. I've been doing Duolingo (Italian, German, French, Spanish), studying French at the Alliance Française, and will meet with a student at least once a week to learn how to speak Spanish better. We're going to do an exchange: we will practice speaking our target language with each other, so one block will be English and the other will be Spanish. He's randomly helped me with Spanish in the past, which is why I asked him if he wants to do an exchange. 

Even though my Spanish isn't where it should be, I experienced an exciting moment when I went to a store last weekend: the cashier spoke Spanish to me, I answered, and she continued speaking Spanish. Usually people start to speak Spanish, then switch to English, but I guess she sensed that I could manage it. I was very happy about that, and it helped break through my block.

I'm also still fake blogging, working through ideas for a fictional journal I plan to post publicly. It's pretty impossible to sell books, but not impossible to write.


  1. You never let any moss grow under your feet. Always on the go. I admire your energy and stamina.

  2. Thanks for your continued support :)
