
She thinks it's English

This Bulgarian woman thinks she's singing English, and it's obvious she's not. It's almost unbelievable--literally :D (I saw this at Arrogant Polyglot).


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    How embarrassing! It's amazing that these people don't polish the audition pieces more before they decide to sing live on national television; that goes for any of the "Idol" shows.

  2. You'd think she'd at least look up the lyrics and memorize them instead of just listening to the song and winging it.

  3. Anonymous11:06 AM

    My heart does go out to her. I mean, she clearly wanted to sing to win. I just cannot for the live of me figure out why she didn't look up the lyrics on the Internet? I figured she tried to search "Ken Lee" and came up with a list of Asian films rather than lyrics for Mariah Carey (sp?)

  4. Yeah--unless she didn't have internet access, which could be possible, though I'm sure at least a friend or relative has access.

    I also feel sorry for her in a way because she seems so sincere and earnest, and she has no clue!
