
3 AM

That's what time I have to wake up on Sunday: THREE IN THE MORNING. I have to start work at 5:00, and since the station is northwest of the airport, it takes me at least 40 minutes without traffic, and I cannot be late because no one else will be there until 8:00. So I will be absolutely alone for a few hours. I plan to drink lots of caffeine and watch the sun rise.

I'm going to leave around 3:45 to get there in plenty of time, or just in case I'm held up by bizarre Saturday night/Sunday morning incidents, such as drunken accidents or trains passing by.

That's right: active train crossings can really make me late. Last night I was at the station until 11, and I thought going home would be a breeze. But I got stuck at two railroad crossings--two times in a row, I had to sit in my car, waiting for very long freight trains to finish their slow crawl towards wherever they had to be late at night. I got home after midnight.

I usually get up very early on Sundays, but this is going to be weird: party-types will be coming home from a long night out when I leave my place to go to work, and the city and suburbs will be transformed into a kind of country road for me to roam. I wonder if even the airport is going to have any activity--I usually see a few planes taking off or landing, but that's during the day, when the world is functioning normally.

So, tomorrow for me will begin at 3 AM. Is that night or day?

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