
German dictionaries and advent

Stop the presses! Someone sent me a link to what may be the best online German dictionary from TU Chemnitz (Technische Universität Chemnitz).

There's also a link to the Wortschatz Project, another dictionary that's helpful if you can decifer all that German.

And of course, they haven't forgotten the popular LEO online German dictionary, which also includes a link to an online English etymology dictionary (which I'm sure a lot of people already know about).

There's even a link to American English pronunciation, which would be helpful for the non-native English speakers out there who want an alternative to the online British English that seems to be quite popular and well-funded.

And there's another treat: an advent calendar. If you're not satisfied with that, you can get another advent calendar through LEO, which is a creation of Technische Universität München. (By the way, LEO means "Link Everything Online.")

So bookmark all these links and enjoy! I really need to get back to studying German, now that the Japanese test has passed. My German is very lame right now.


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Wow, a post about German dictionaries and you didn't mention the Grimms' etymological dictionary online?!

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Amazingly, all the links I mentioned start at the Chemnitz dictionary page--that was really the feature of this post. TU did not have a link to the Grimm one. Also, I was just trying to mention ones that people might not know about, and the LEO dictionary was mentioned because of their Advent calendar link and other cool stuff.
