
Ambra's book

Wow, blogger Ambra Nykol is really blessed. She's about to become 24, and she's going to write a book that's going to get published. And she didn't have to do a query letter or outline or even contact an agent or any publisher or go to any confences to try to make important contacts, because they already want her, and have come to her with a deal. I don't know the details, but this is what she said:

In an unexpected turn of events, the publishers have come knocking and I really never thought I'd say it, but I think it's time to write a book. As terrifying as that sounds, I think I am going to explode if I don't. Five years ago, as a timid college drop-out, the thought first struck me and I began writing what has to be one my most horrible pieces of literature. Back then, I wasn't even close to being ready. Today, I am, and now my mind is just spinning.

She deserves it--her blog is the freshest around. Details to follow (hopefully).

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