
What passion?

Let me describe a scenario that I think will never happen.

Let's say one of the blockbuster authors, such as John Grisham, decided to get rid of his agent, and was looking for another. So he submits a query letter or a story idea to some agents. Do you think he would get a form letter that said, "I'm just not passionate about this." I think when it comes to beaucoup bucks, the passion of agents and editors changes.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. You bet, mj. You'd be surprised at how much passion an eight-figure deal incites in an agent. And Jonnhy G is the Eight Figure Man.

  3. There's a lot more I'd like to say about it, but I will refrain. It's a business, but sometimes it doesn't seem fair. But I'm well aware of that fact that life isn't fair.
